Pharmacy Benefit Managers Use Biometric Software For Improved Security

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Pharmacy Benefit Managers Use Biometric Software For Improved Security

IdentiPHI Inc. recently announced one of the nation’s leading pharmacy benefit managers has selected IdentiPHI SAFsolution 5 Enterprise Edition to boost biometric authentication and security access across its network.

In conjunction with fingerprint readers from IdentiPHI’s partner, Zvetco Biometrics, SAFsolution will enable the pharmacy benefit manager to ease its password administration process, support the secure use of multi-personnel terminals and tighten network access to meet the healthcare industry’s stringent patient privacy regulations.

IdentiPHI SAFsolution will initially support 10,000 users in conjunction with Zvetco’s Verifi P4000 and P5000 Fingerprint Readers that are already installed on the pharmacy benefit manager’s network.

"We’re seeing increased demand in the market for customizable and cost-effective biometric solutions that meet today's standards for security and convenience," said Zavi Cohen, CEO of Zvetco Biometrics. “The open architecture of SAFsolution 5 simplifies its integration with our hardware and is one of the key reasons why we’ve chosen IdentiPHI as a strategic partner for enterprise deployments.”

“By combining the strengths of SAFsolution with products from strategic partners such as Zvetco, we can offer our clients scalable enterprise security solutions that are based on the most advanced biometrics-based technology in the industry,” said IdentiPHI President John Atkinson. “The security system we’ve designed in this instance is representative of the increasing market adoption we’re seeing in a broad range of industries as corporations rise to the challenge of protecting vital information, complying with increased regulation, and mitigating the real risk of security breaches.”

Designed on the SAFsolution platform, IdentiPHI purpose built SAFsolution 5 to provide administration of enterprise-wide biometric security and authentication.

SAFsolution 5 is integrated closely with Microsoft Windows Active Directory to provide a full range of enterprise capabilities -- high scalability, simplified usability and a broad range of support of authentication methods and devices. SAFsolution 5 enables organizations to dramatically improve security by replacing cumbersome passwords with biometric authentication.

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