Male Breast Cancer Risk Factors

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Male Breast Cancer Risk Factors

There are several risk factors for male breast cancer. Keep in mind that if you have a risk factor for male breast cancer, it does not mean that you will absolutely develop male breast cancer. It only means that you have an increased chance of developing it.

Risk Factors for Male Breast Cancer

  • Exposure to Radiation. Exposure to radiation such as previous radiation therapy for lymphoma is a risk factor for male breast cancer.
  • Family History. Statistics show that at least 20% of men with male breast cancer had a close female relative with breast cancer. The mutated BRCA gene is responsible.
  • Klinefelter’s Syndrome. This genetic disorder is also a risk factor for male breast cancer.
  • Liver Disease. Having cirrhosis raises your level of estrogen within the body, which may be responsible for the development of male breast cancer.
  • Age. Most cases of male breast cancer occur between the ages of 60 and 70.
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