HPV – Human Papilloma Virus

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HPV – Human Papilloma Virus

HPV, also called Human Papilloma Virus:

HPV is the abbreviation for a common virus, human papilloma virus, which is responsible for warts of various kinds, including genital, plantar and flat warts. Certain HPV types cause warts on the extremities, but many other HPV types cause warts on the genitalia. Hundreds of thousands of new cases of HPV occur in the United States each year.

Causes of HPV or Human Papilloma Virus:

Common modes of transmission of HPV include sexual contact and any type of skin-to-skin contact. Human papilloma virus infection can also be transmitted during childbirth. It has been proven that HPV can be recovered from fingernail brushings and therefore could be transmitted by shaking hands.

Symptoms of HPV or Human Papilloma Virus:

An OB-Gyn doctor or a urologist can evaluate any signs of HPV warts and can usually determine if you have genital warts caused by HPV. A Digene HPV test is typically used in this determination for human papilloma virus. Warts may appear as skin-colored bumps with irregular margins. HPV can cause single or multiple genital warts or other types of warts. Vinegar is sometimes used to determine if HPV warts are present. Abnormal Pap smears may result from HPV since human papilloma virus is the only known cause of cervical dysplasia.

Is HPV contagious or can human papilloma virus be easily spread?

Sexual transmission is the easiest way to spread HPV infection or HPV-related conditions. Human papillomavirus is not easily prevented with condoms, since any skin-to-skin contact can spread HPV.

Can HPV or Human Papilloma Virus cause cancer?

HPV is strongly associated with cervical cancer. For this reason, human papilloma virus is a potentially serious condition that must be watched closely until immunity develops. Abnormal Pap smears are a good way to keep up on the status of this condition which is responsible for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer.

What are some treatments for HPV problems?

HPV can cause a variety of conditions, ranging from genital warts to cervical dysplasia to laryngeal papillomatosis. For this reason, human papilloma virus may be treated differently depending on the signs and symptoms of the HPV infection. Warts are commonly treated with chemicals to kill the virus or with cryotherapy. Cervical dysplasia is commonly treated with surgical procedures like electric loops, LEEP’s, laser vaporization and cone biopsy. Other alternative therapies such as Beta-mannan™ appear to be more successful than the surgical procedures. In the final outcome, the only effective therapy is one that helps the body create immunity to the HPV virus, human papilloma virus.

What effect can HPV or Human Papilloma Virus have on pregnancy?

During pregnancy, HPV virus can sometimes produce signs and symptoms of a human papilloma virus infection. As a result, the fetus can become infected. Some miscarriages are believed to be caused by HPV infections. HPV can cause a decrease in fertility as well. In general, it is best not to become pregnant until an HPV infection is eliminated or at least until the signs and symptoms of HPV have disappeared.

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